Attorney Big Al

The Importance of Safe & Ergonomic Conditions In The Office

Feeling stiff, achey, or in pain after a day of work? Might be time to request some ergonomic updates to your office. How you sit, stand, and work day in and day out is hugely important to your long term health. The simple, repetitive motions we do every day can create lasting damage to your body if your work environment isn’t ergonomic.

If you’re interested in improving the ergonomics of your office by adding standing desks, increasing safety features, or upgrading tools, you need to be able to justify your case to the decision maker.

If you’re looking to make a positive change in your office, here are some helpful facts that you can bring to make your case.

Talking to HR or your manager:

Managers and HR professionals consider revenue goals, corporate values, and cost analyses when making large decisions about office upgrades, so walking in with a clear plan that demonstrates the value of better ergonomics is a great approach.

Bring statistics and do your homework. The points above are a great to start with, but if you haver personal anecdotes from people in your office, it can strengthen your case. Has someone had to take time off for carpal tunnel? How about your colleague’s bad back? Make your case personal and specific.

Above all, be polite, thoughtful, and clear. Even if you have the best case in the world, no HR person is going to prioritize your case if you approach the subject with defensiveness or rudeness. Be polite and trust that the facts are going to speak for themselves.

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